Anyadvice provided by us is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation, or needs. You should assess whether the product is appropriate for your individual needs and consider any relevant Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about whether to acquire a product. Please note, the policies and quotations provided are based on information you have supplied. It is important that you carefully review all documentation, including your Business Activity Description, Sums Insured, Insured Sections & Limits of Cover to accurately reflect your current circumstances. If these details are incorrect you must advise us immediately as is could have an impact on the premium and underwriting acceptance. You also have a duty now, and throughout the period of insurance, to disclose any material fact that could affect the insurer’s decision to insure you or pay a claim. It is essential that you read the Important Information attached. In particular, you should read thoroughly the information relating to your duty of disclosure.